Sligo Cluster of Parishes
St Anne’s is part of the Sligo Parishes Cluster, a loose association of parishes which co-operate and assist one another in planning ministry initiatives together.
These are
- St Mary’s Cathedral Parish,
- St Anne’s/Carraroe,
- St Joseph’s/Calry,
- Strandhill/ Ransboro
- and Rosses Point.
Various joint celebrations are undertaken in the course of the year, such as Missions, School/Parish talks and Training, short Courses on Scripture, Advent and Lenten Meditation groups, Church Services, Preparation for Baptism of Infants and Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
The Cluster employs a full-time Catechist, Ms Colette Furlong.
Colette has a central role in the implementation of Cluster policy.
A committee with representatives of each of the parishes meets monthly to plan and assess Cluster events. The Cluster Chairperson is Ms Liz Leydon (Rosses Point) Secretary Ms Bernie Flynn (Calry) Priest representative Fr Pat (St Anne’s’)For further information, see

Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the third Tuesday of every month. It is made up of four sub-groups with their leaders:
- Chairperson – Paul Canning
- Hospitality and events – Sabrina Rooney
- Finance – Phil McMorrow
- Evangelisation – Fr. Pat
- Safeguarding – Andrea McGee
Regular reports from the Pastoral Council appear in the Parish Newsletter. Should you wish to have any item brought up for discussion, please email or forward correspondence to the Secretary in the Parish Office.
Groups and Organisations in the Parish
The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the third Tuesday of every month. It is made up of four sub-groups with their leaders:
- Chairperson – Paul Canning
- Hospitality and events – Sabrina Rooney
- Finance – Phil McMorrow
- Evangelisation – Fr. Pat
- Safeguarding – Andrea McGee
Regular reports from the Pastoral Council appear in the Parish Newsletter. Should you wish to have any item brought up for discussion, please email or forward correspondence to the Secretary in the Parish Office.
Correspondence may be addressed c/o Parish Secretary, St Anne’s Parish, or by email at