Pray for the Canonisation of Blessed Carlo Acutis
Oh God, Our Father,
thank you for giving us Carlo,
a life example for the young and a message of love for everyone. You made him become enamoured with Your Son Jesus, Making of the Eucharist his “Highway to Heaven”.
You gave him Mary, as a most loving Mother, and, with the Rosary, you made him a poet of her tenderness, Receive his prayer for us. Above all, gaze upon the poor, whom he loved and helped.
Grand for me too, by his intercession, the grace that I need…
And make our joy fulfilled, placing Carlo among the Saints of your Church, so that his smile may shine again for us in the glory of your name.
(“Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to God”)

A Prayer to St. Anne
Guardian of the infancy and childhood of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain the graces necessary for all who enter the married state, that imitating your virtues they may sanctify their homes and lead the souls entrusted to their care to eternal glory. Amen.
Feast Day of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 26th July.
Collect from Mass:
O Lord, God of our Fathers,
who bestowed on Saints Joachim and Anne this grace,
that of them should be born the Mother of your incarnate Son, grant, through the prayers of both,
that we may attain the salvation you have promised to your people.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
A Blessing upon you.
May the God of all consolation order your days in his peace and grant you the gifts of his blessing. Amen.
May he free you always from every distress and confirm your hearts in his love. Amen.
So that on life’s journey you may be effective in good works, rich in the gifts of hope, faith and charity, and may come happily to eternal life. Amen
And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever. Amen.